(S or A) External Audio File

To present an external audio file, the file must be accessible via http per URL pointing to the audio file. The supported file formats depends on the browser, common formats are WAV, MP3, MPEG, and OGG. The ‘S’ tone type supports the definition of a looping presentation by appending a ‘l’ to the ‘S’.


          Sl          sound definition that loops




          URL          A valid URL pointing to a sound file hosted in the web


To support multiple browser platforms, it is best to provide multiple sound files in different formats and do not specify the file extension. Cognition Lab will dynamically append the extension which is supported by the browser.

When you use services like Dropbox each file has a different unique URL. In this case, you can list different file formats by listing multiple URLs. Cognition Lab will automatically select the URL with the extension supported by the current web browser.

 Example for defining sinus tones

TONE  Beep  B          ; 600 Hertz in center for 1000ms
600  100  0  1000
TONE  BeepLeft  B          ; 800 Hertz tone at 50% volume on left channel
800  50  -1
TONE  BeepRamp  B          ; 1s 400 Hertz tone with 10ms up and down ramp
600  100  0  1000 10 10

 Example for defining audio samples

TONE  Sound1  S

TONE  Correct  S

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