
If the trial definition includes variable arguments, all values must be specified in the remaining line. The order must match the order of the variable arguments in the trial definition: from top to bottom and from left to right.

 Example for a block definition

; =========  Trial Definition  =============

TRIAL DondersB
SP FixPoint  MidPos  1  500          ; Show Fixation point for 500 ms
CS 250          ; Clear screen for 250 ms
RK ResKeys          ; Prepare response registration
SP ?  MidPos  1  2000          ; Show variable symbol for 2000 ms
FB ?          ; Compare response with correct key

; =========  Block Definition  =============

BLOCK blk  4
3  DondersB  1  SHR
1  DondersB  A  SHL
1  DondersB  B  SHL
1  DondersB  C  SHL

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