Trial Commands

Trial commands are used to define a trial. A trial consists of a fixed sequence of atomic events.  Each event is defined by one of the following trial commands:

Visual Presentation:

          CS          Clear Screen

          SP          Show Picture

          LV          Load Video

          PV          Play Video

Screen Operators:

          +          Add Picture

          &          Concatenate Picture

Pre-loading screen images:

          LI          Load off-screen image

          TI          Transfer off-screen image

          SI          Save off-screen image

Auditory Presentation:

          ST          Start tone

          CT          Clear tone

          WT          Wait for Tone

Response Registration:

          RK          Record Key Press

          WK          Wait for Key

          GR          Generate Response

          TL          Tap on Locations

          TP          Tap on Pictures

          VK          Activate Voicekey

Response dependent action:

          FB          Feedback (Response classification and feedback)

          OK          Actions based on what key has been pressed

          ET          End running trial or block

          GT          Repeat trial or jump to another trial within current block

          GL          Abort block and jump to session label


VAS and Likert Scales:

          DS          Define Scale

          SS          Show Scale

          GS          Get Scale Rating

Nested Trial Execution:

          RT          Run Trial Definition

          IT          Include Trial Definition

          SW          Single Word Presentation

Visual Presentation with Integrated Random Mechanisms:

          FP          Fill Positions

          LP          Load Position

          MP          Mix Position Indices

          RP          Reset Position

          KP          Keep Positions

Set Operations:

          DE          Draw Element from Set

          GE          Get element from set

          IS          Initialize Set

          RE          Remove Element

Update Data Objects:

          UC          Update Color definition

          UK          Update Key definition

          UP          Update Position definition

          UT          Update Tone definition

          AO          Assigns content from one object with content from another object

          PS          Split Picture into Set

System related commands:

          AP          Align picture

          SC          Set standard fore- and background color

          SE          Set screen echo for key presses

          SF          Set font for text pictures

          SO          Set overlay

          SR          Set picture rotation angle

          SV          Set volume of auditory presentation

          TS          Test Speed


Most of the trial commands have many arguments. Some of them are optional and need not to be specified if the default setting is correct.

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