Visual Presentation



          CS          Clear Screen

          CA          Clear Screen Area

          SP          Show Picture

          LV          Play Video

          PV          Play Video


The SP-command loads and displays any picture on the specified screen location. The picture will be visible until a new picture is presented or until the screen is cleared by the CS-command. The CA-command can be used to only delete a sub-area of the screen

See chapter "Screen Operators" for how to add pictures to the current screen image and how to concatenate several pictures to one complex picture at the trial level.

There are also special commands with integrated random mechanisms, which support the random selection of screen locations and pictures directly (see section Visual Presentation with integrated Random Mechanisms).

For playing videos, the video can be either started using the standard SP- of FP- trial command, or pre-loaded with the LV-trial command and then started with the PV-command.

Use the SETSYNC session command to activate the synchronization of visual presentations with the screen refresh of the monitor *.

With help of the TS trial command, you can check image loading times for each picture and page frame to ensure that loading time does not exceed one monitor refresh cycle.

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