
Color of the picture.

 Example for displaying pictures


SP Start  MidPos          ; Show Picture 'Start'
WK Space          ; Wait for SPACE-key
SP FixPoint MidPos 1 500          ; Show Fixation point for 500 ms
RK ResKeys 2000          ; Prepare Response, MaxRt = 2000 ms
SP ? Circle 2  0  1  Blue          ; Show variable stimulus
          ; until response or MaxRt


The next example demonstrates how to place a picture relative to the previous picture. The Position argument is set to null (hyphen '-') to signal that the new picture should be placed behind the previous picture. The PosNo argument represents the number of spaces between previous and new picture.

 Example for defining relative positions


PICTURE  This     N
PICTURE  is       N
PICTURE  a        N
PICTURE  Sentence N

-400 0

; The trial definition displays a sentence word by word, waiting 1s for each word

SP This      Left  1  1000          ; Place first word on position 'Left'
+SP is        -     1  1000          ; Place second word 1 space to the right from first word
+SP a         -     1  1000          ; Place third word 1 space to the right from second word
+SP Sentence  -     1  1000          ; Place fourth word 1 space to the right from third word

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