This command assigns labels to the built-in feedback classes to annotate results with full text response classification.

Use this feature in combination with FB trial command to add response classification like ‘wrong’, ‘correct’ to each response.

          MAPFB  [Type  [FC1  [FC2  [FC3  [FC4 ] ]]]]


ResponseType          CRT

FC1 .. FC4          depends on response type



One of the following response types:

SRT          Simple Reaction Time with labels ‘Wrong’, ‘Correct’

CRT          Choice Reaction Time with labels ‘Wrong’, ‘Correct’, ‘Miss’

GNG          Go/No-Go Response with labels ‘Wrong’, ‘Correct’

SDT          Signal Detection Task with labels ‘Hit’, ‘Miss’, ‘Correct Rejection’, and ‘False Alarm’

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