
The cancel mode is defined by one of the following values:


          0          Do not abort.

          1          Response dependent abortion

          2          Response dependent abortion and residual.

          3          Execute command only, if residual exists (Time and RndTime must be 0).

          4          Ignore residual

          5          Wait for next response

 Example for transferring off-screen image to visible screen

TRIAL  ShowDoubleStim
CS 1500          ; Clear screen and wait for 1500 ms
LI  1          ; Redirect to off-screen
SP  ?  Center  1          ; Load variable 2nd stimulus into off-screen image
LI  0          ; Reset to default rendering
SP  FixPoint  MidPos  1  500          ; Show FixPoint for 500ms 
RK  ResKeys  2000          ; Record responses (MaxRt=2000)
SP  ?  Center  1  50          ; Show variable stimulus and wait for 50 ms
TI  1  50          ; Show screen image with 2nd stimulus for 50 ms
CS  0  1          ; Clear screen and wait until response or MaxRt

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