RK  (Record Key)

This command activates response keys and records latencies and key names of responses. The activation and the time measurement starts with the next trial command which is not timeless (has a time argument). Ongoing events will not interfere with the registration and registration will be active until the maximum reaction time has been reached, a FB-, WK-, or RK-command appears, or at the end of a trial definition.

          RK  [Key  [MaxRt  [N(Keys)  [SKey  [EndKey  [Echo  [Reset]]]]]]] 


Key          -   (Any key of the standard keyboard)

MaxRt          0   (unlimited)

N(Keys)          1

SKey          -   (no special key)

EndKey          -   (no end key)

Echo          0   (no echo)

Reset          1   (Reset time measurement to null)

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