
Name of pre-defined key or key definition which defines the keys which should be activated. Only these keys are watched for responses. A hyphen '-' means any key of the standard keyboard.

 Example for waiting for a key press

TRIAL Explain
SP Instruct  MidPos          ; Display instruction
WK Space          ; Wait for SPACE-key

TRIAL  SelfPaced
CS  2000          ; Clear screen and wait for 2000 ms
SP  PleasePress  Bottom          ; Show Picture 'PleasePress'
WK  Space          ; Wait for any key
SP  FixPoint  MidPos  1  500          ; Show Fixation point and wait for 500 ms
 RK  ResKeys          ; Prepare Response Registration
SP  ?  MidPos  1  2000          ; Show variable stimulus and wait for 2000 ms
FB  ?          ; Classify response (no FB actions)

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