TL  (Tap Location) 

This trial command turns on the generation of sensitive screen areas for specific position definitions. The sensitive screen areas will automatically be activated when using the specified Position definition in a SP, FP, or LP command. In combination with the FP trial command, you can define conditions when to activate click areas or not depending on if a picture is loaded on the location or not.

The size of the sensitive area and the corresponding key name can be specified. A click or touch on the sensitive area will be translated to a key press as defined by the specified key definition. To disable the generation of tap sensitive screen areas for a specific position definition, use this command without specifying Width or setting Width to zero.

          TL  Position  [KeyTbl  [Radius  [Height  [FreeOnly  [PicFilter  ]]]]]


          KeyTbl          -   (Auto generate key names)

          Width          0   (Disable tap locations for this position)

          Height          0   (Use Width as radius to generate a circular area)

          FreeOnly          0   (Generate areas for all locations including loaded locations)

          PicFilter          -   (Exclude locations which have this picture loaded)

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