Response-dependent action


          FB          Feedback according to response categories

          OK          Actions based on what key has been pressed

          ET          End running trial or block

          GT          Repeat trial or jump to another trial within current block

          GL          Abort block and jump to session label


The FB-command is the most common way to produce response dependent feedback. It classifies responses according to correctness (right/wrong key), number of key presses (or releases), and latency (too slow, too fast). For each of these feedback classes one or multiple trial commands can be defined which will be executed if the response corresponds to one of these classes. The FB-command also inserts the FB-class in the result table for simplifying further data analysis.

The OK-command is more flexible than the FB-command in terms of defining response dependent actions, because you can assign different actions to individual keys. Unlike the FB command, the OK command can also be used to define conditional actions in response to the WK trial command.

Use the FB and OK command to present response-dependent auditory or visual feedback, or to implement conditional branching of the event flow. For example, with help of the ET-command you can end a trial or block. The GT-command is used to repeat a trial, or jump to another trial within the current block. The GL-command exits a running block and jumps to a label within the session definition.

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