FB  (Feedback) 

The FB-command classifies recorded responses with respect to correct/false key, to correct/false number of responses, and to the time range (above/below). Each class has a predefined numeric code. This code will be stored as an additional column of the result table and is also used by other commands like DROPOUT, MAXERROR, and STAIRCASE that act depending on what response has been given.

You may use the FB-command just to generate this response classification column in the result table, but you may also define one or multiple conditional actions for each response class.

To add visual feedback to the current screen image, add the '+'-operator before the FB-command (see '+'-screen operator) or in front of each individual trial command.

          FB CorrKey  [CorrN  [CompMode  [RTMin  [RTMax  [RtMode  [KeyIndex ]]]]]] 
[Action 1]
[Action 2]
[Action 12]


CorrN          1   (One response)

CompMode          0   (Set comparison)

RtMin          0   (No lower time limit)

RtMax          0   (No upper time limit)

RtMode          0   (Compare Rt of first response)

KeyIndex          0   (Compare all response)

Actions          None

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