Trial Command

Trial command which will be executed on the occasion of this classification. Screen operators cannot be used. Place the '+'-operator in front of the FB-command if you want to add pictures within the feedback action.


 Examples for response dependent feedback using the FB-command

; Trial definition which will be executed on missing answers (feedback class 3)

TRIAL Warning
ST  Peep          ; Start warning tone
SP  False  FBpos  1  700          ; and show picture False for 700 ms
CT          ; Clear Tone

; Trial definition for displaying the stimulus

TRIAL  ShowItem
RK  ResKeys          ; Prepare Response Registration
SP  ?  MidPos  1  2000          ; Show variable stimulus
+FB  ?          ; Compare response with correct key
1: SP  False    FBpos  1  700          ; Show False if wrong key
2: SP  Correct  FBpos  1  700          ; Show Correct, if correct key
3: RT  Warning          ; Run trial 'Warning' if no response
CS  2500          ; Clear screen and wait for 2500 ms

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