OK  (On Key) 

The OK-command supports the definition of actions in response to an individual key press. Unlike the FB-command you are not limited to a predefined response category like ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’. Instead, you can define one or multiple actions for each individual key. Unlike the FB-command, the OK-command can also be used in combination with the WK-command.

You can define multiple actions for one key press by listing the same key multiple times within the same OK-command. In this case all matches will be executed in the order they appear. This gives you all flexibility to define response dependent behavior that consists of multiple actions.

To add visual presentations to the current screen image, add the '+'-operator before the OK-command (see '+'-screen operator) or in front of each individual trial command.

          OK [CompMode  [KeyIndex]] 
key: action.
key: action


          CompMode          0   (Compare single keys)

          KeyIndex          0   (Compare all response)

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