
Selects a single key press within multiple key presses for comparison:


          0          Compare all keys.

          i>0          Compare only the i-th key press


 Examples for response dependent feedback using OK-command

; Key definition defining Cursor left and right as response keys

KEY  ResKeys  CL  CR

; Trial definition for displaying the stimulus

TRIAL  ShowItem
RK  ResKeys          ; Prepare Response Registration
SP  ?  MidPos  1  2000          ; Show variable stimulus
OK            ; Compare single key press
CL: ST  LowPeep          ; Play low beep in response to left cursor key
CL: SP  Left  FBpos  1  700          ; and show the word ‘left’
CR: ST  HighPeep          ; Play high beep in response to right cursor key
CR: SP  Right FBpos  2  700          ; and show the word ‘left’

CT            ; Clear tone
CS  2500          ; Clear screen and wait for 2500 ms

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