
Determines if the running trial should be recorded (listed in the result file) or not:


          0          Do not record (ignore results)

          1          Record results (default)


Trial that are ignored do not count as an executed trial at the block level.


 Examples for response dependent trial branching using the GT-command

; Key definition defining Cursor left and right and Return as response keys


; Trial definition for displaying the stimulus

TRIAL  ShowInstruction
RK  ResKeys          ; Prepare Response Registration
SP  Title  TitlePos  1          ; Show fixed Title
&SP Prompt  PromptPos  1          ; Show prompt to press keys
&SP ?  InstPos  1 0 1          ; Show variable instruction text and wait until response
OK            ; Branch to different trial commands depending on key
CL: GT 2 1 0          ; do not record and go to previous instruction
CR: GT 3 1 0          ; do not record and go to next instruction

BLOCK  Instruct 4
1  ShowInstruction  Inst1          ; Show 1st instruction page
1  ShowInstruction  Inst2          ; Show 2nd instruction page
1  ShowInstruction  Inst3          ; Show 3rd  instruction page 
1  ShowInstruction  Inst4          ; Show 4th instruction page

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