GS  (Get Scale Rating) 

This command displays a visual analog scale or LIKERT scale as defined by the DS command and waits until the subject submits the answer. The GS-command is typically used to construct questionnaires which use a visual analog scale or n-point Likert scale to capture attitude or mood ratings.

The scale, labels, and submit button are part of the scale definition. The question or item which should be rated must be presented before you call the GS command. 

          RS  [Key  [Position [Labels  [Font  [TextColor  [ColorTheme  ]]]]]]]


Key          -   (no keys, use only mouse input)

Position          -   (as defined by previous SS command)

Labels          -   (as defined by previous SS command)

Font          -   (current font)

TextColor          -   (current text color)

ScaleColor          -   (Blue Theme)

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