Nested Trial Execution



          RT          Run Trial

          IT          Include Trial

           SW          Single Word Presentation


The RT-command calls a trial definition from within another trial definition. Nested trial execution may help you in one of the following situations:


          -          You want to define a complex feedback action which consists of more than one trial command. In this case, define the complex action in a separate trial definition and call this trial as a feedback action with the RT-command.


          -          The same event sequence will be used several times in different trial definitions. Define this sequence only once as a separate trial definition and call this trial by the RT-command several times.


          -          You want to define a cyclic event sequence which loops a certain number of times, or until a response has been recorded.


The IT-command is including another trial definition at the time the script is loaded. It just copies the trial commands as defined in the other trial definition into this trial. Using this feature you can maintain repeating sequences of trial commands as separate trial definitions and then include them into a new trial as needed. Note that this insertion will be done when loading the script and not dynamically at runtime. To include dynamically a trial sequence, use the RT command instead of the IT command.


The SW trial command is used to present text pictures in a word-wise mode. The command calls a user-defined trial definition for each blank-separated token of the text picture. Thus, the events for each word presentation can be defined in a very flexible way by just creating the appropriate trial definition.

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