
List of values for variable arguments of the trial definition.

 Examples for nested trial executions

; This trial definition shows a feedback and plays a chirp like sound

TRIAL Chirp          ; Trial definition for FB class 3
SP False  FBpos          ; Show picture 'False'
ST LowPitch   50          ; Play low tone and wait for 50 ms
ST HighPitch  50          ; Play high tone and wait for 50 ms
ST LowPitch   50          ; Play low tone and wait for 50 ms
ST HighPitch  50          ; Play high tone and wait for 50 ms
ST LowPitch   50          ; Play low tone and wait for 50 ms
ST HighPitch  50          ; Play high tone and wait for 50 ms

; This trial definition calls the chirp if no response was given

TRIAL ShowItem
CS 1000          ; Clear screen and wait for 1000 ms
SP FixPoint  MidPos  1  700          ; Show fixation point and wait for 700 ms
 RK ResKeys          ; Prepare response registration
SP ?  MidPos  1  2000  1          ; Show variable stimulus, wait 2000 ms or until response
+FB ?          ; Compare response with correct key
1:SP False  FBpos  1  400          ; Show feedback 'False’ and wait for 400 ms
2:SP Correct  FBpos  1  400          ; Show feedback correct and wait for 400 ms
3:RT Chirp          ; Run trial 'Chirp'

; This trial definition shows a dot jumping around a circle

TRIAL Motion
SP Dot  Circle  1  50  1          ; Display dot on first position
SP Dot  Circle  2  50  1          ; Display dot on second position
SP Dot  Circle  3  50  1          ; Display dot on third position
SP Dot  Circle  4  50  1          ; Display dot on fourth position
; This trial shows a moving dot until the SPACE-key has been pressed

TRIAL ShowMotion
RK Space          ; Activate response registration via SPACE-key
RT Motion 0 1          ; Loop trial 'motion' indefinite until response

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