
List of values for variable arguments of the trial definition.

 Example for single word presentation

This sentence is presented at a fixed rate
with superimposed words

POSITION Center P 0 0

; sample trial definition for fixed presentation
TRIAL Fixed          ; This trial will present single words at a fixed rate
SP ? Center 1          ; This SP will present one single word if called from SW
ST 500 100 0          ; A tone with each word just for fun
LB          ; Loading border to avoid preloading between SP and ST
CT          ; Clear tone after 100 ms
+CS 200          ; Show Pic for another 100 ms

TRIAL ShowFixed
SF Nice
CS 1000
SW   FS  0  0  0  0  Fixed          ; IMPORTANT: Name of trial must not be variable
          ;                    if trial requires a VarArgList

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