FP  (Fill Positions) 

This command is similar to the SP-command in that it loads one picture on a certain screen location. In addition to the SP-command, the FP-command also randomly fills all remaining positions within a position definition with pictures from a certain set. You may use the LP-command to load more than one position with a picture before you fill up the remaining locations (see LP-command).

          FP  Picture  Position  PosNo  Time  Set  [N(Pos)  [Cancel  [Color  [FillMode]]]]


N(Pos)          N   All positions within the position definition

Cancel          0   (Do not abort)

Color          -   (Standard foreground color)

FillMode          1   Regular if N(Pos) is a divisor of the total number of positions

Exclude          1   Excluded target picture from set used for filling positions

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