LP  (Load Position) 

This command extends the FP-command. Use one or more LP-commands before the FP-command to load and reserve specific of random positions, and then use the FP-command to show those preloaded pictures and filling all remaining positions. Related LP- and FP-commands must use the same position definition.

Besides loading additional non-random pictures, the LP-command has two additional functions in comparison to the FP-command. You may load a non-random picture on a random location (see argument LoadMode) and reserve a position as loaded without actually loading a picture (see Picture argument).

The load status of a position is remembered throughout one trial unless reset with the RP command. Use the KP trial command to keep the load status of a position across trials.

          LP  Picture  Position  [PosNo  [Cancel  [LoadMode  [Memo  [Color]]]]]


PosNo          1   (Load picture on first position)

Cancel          0   (Do not abort)

LoadMode          0   (Do not load on random position)

Memo          1   (Memorize loaded picture)

Color          -   (Standard foreground color)


Meaning of argument settings:

Picture                    PosNo                    LoadMode          Meaning

Yes                    No > 0                    0                    Load Picture on PosNo
No                    No > 0                    0                    Reserve PosNo as loaded
Yes                    0                    0                    Memorize Picture without loading it
Yes                    No > 0                    1                    Load Picture on random position
No                    No > 0                    1                    Reserve random position as loaded

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