
Name of color for displaying picture.


 Examples for extending the FP-command with the LP-command

; Load two non-random pictures
LP PicA  Octagon  1          ; Load PicA on first location
FP PicB  Octagon  5  2000  Digits          ; Load PicB on fifth location and fill remaining
          ; positions with random pictures from set Digits

; Reserve position as loaded without loading a picture
LP -  Octagon  3          ; Reserve index 3 as loaded
FP -  Octagon  1  2000  Digits          ; Fill all positions except index 3

; Memorize picture only without loading it
LP Pic4  Octagon  0          ; Memorize Pic4 without loading it
FP -  Octagon  1  2000  Digits          ; Fill all positions with digits,
          ; Pic4 will not be used for filling

; Load picture on a random position
LP  PicA  Octagon  3  0  1          ; Load PicA on a random position
FP -  Octagon  3  2000  Digits          ; Fill all empty positions with digits

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