
You can mix a position parallel to a previous MP-command to produce two equivalent but random index assignments:


          0          Do not mix parallel

          1          Mix parallel to the previous MP-command


Note that both position definitions must consist of the same number of positions.


 Example for mixing indices of a position definition

0 0 800 45 8

; This trial definition displays a position cue with a variable ISI
; before the onset of the search set which may contain a target at this place

CS  500  1000          ; Clear screen and wait for 500 ms + RndMean(1000)
MP  Circle          ; Permutate indices of Circle
SP  Cue  Circle  1  ?          ; Show position cue and wait for a variable time
RK  ResKeys 1500          ; Prepare response registration (MaxRt 1500 ms)
FP  ?  Circle  1  120  Distractors          ; Show search set with variable target for 120 ms
CS  0 0 1          ; Clear screen and wait for response or MaxRt

 Example for moving pictures by rotating indices

-500 0  500 0  60           ;Define a horizontal line with 60 locations

TRIAL ShowPic          ;This trial is called 60 times by trial ‘move’
SP  Picture  Line  1  20          ;Show picture for 20 ms (rounded to next retrace)
MP  Line  2          ;Rotate position indices by one place

TRIAL Move          ;This trial displays a picture on all 60 locations
SY 1          ;Synchronize each picture onset
RS  ShowPic  60          ;Call 60 times trial definition ‘ShowPic’

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