Set Operations



          DE          Draw element from Set

          GE          Get element from set

          IS          Initialize Set

          RE          Remove element from Set


This set of commands provides several functions to define random processes. Unlike the integrated random commands these commands manipulate set definitions and can be applied not only to pictures but to all ERTS data objects as well.

The DE-command draws a random element from a given set of data objects and assigns the content of this random element to another data object while overwriting the original content. To do this you must first define a data object of the same type with a dummy content which will be overwritten later by the assignment. The assignments and the effects on the sets have permanent lifetime.

The GE-command selects a specific element from a set and assigns its content to another data object. Use this command to traverse a set in forward or backward direction, or to select a specific item from a set.

Sets can be explicitly initialized to their original state by using the IS-command. If you want to eliminate specific elements you can use the RE-command which removes an element until the set is initialized again.

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