
Reset the key definition before assigning new keys from set definition.


          0          Do not reset

          1          Reset


 Example for using a key sequence in sync with random stimulus sequence

SET  AllDigits V  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
SET  AllKeys   K  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


SET RndDigits V D01 D02 D03 D04 D05

SET RndKeys   K K01 K02 K03 K04 K05

SET CorrKeys   K SPACE           ; this will be overwritten by UK command



DE RndDigits RndDig 1 0 0 1

SP RndDig MidPos 1 1000

IS AllDigits          ; Reset AllDigits Set
IS AllKeys          ; Reset AllKeys Set
DE AllDigits D01 2 1          ; Draw Random Digit
DE AllDigits K01 2 1 1          ; Draw Random Key in parallel to digit
DE AllDigits D02 2 1          ; Draw Random Digit
DE AllDigits K02 2 1 1          ; Draw Random Key in parallel to digit
DE AllDigits D03 2 1          ; Draw Random Digit
DE AllDigits K03 2 1 1          ; Draw Random Key in parallel to digit
DE AllDigits D04 2 1          ; Draw Random Digit
DE AllDigits K04 2 1 1          ; Draw Random Key in parallel to digit
DE AllDigits D05 2 1          ; Draw Random Digit
DE AllDigits K05 2 1 1          ; Draw Random Key in parallel to digit

UK RndKeys CorrKeys 1 5          ; Draw Random Key in parallel to digit

RT ShowDig 5          ; Present the 5 digits one by one

RK ResKeys 0 5 BS – 2          ; # of keys to be recorded (must not be *2)

SP Ask AskPos 1 0 1

+CS 500

FB CorrKeys 5 1          ; Compare response with correct sequence

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