Session Commands

Session commands are used to define a session (see SESSION-command).

The following commands may be used:

Trial and Block Executions:

          Runblock          Start block definition

          RunblockW          Start block definition in warmup mode

          Runtrial          Start trial definition

          LABEL          Serves as a jump destination for the GL trial command


Moderators of block execution:

          DROPOUT          Defines dropout rule to repeat trials with incorrect responses

          MaxERROR          Defines a learning criterion

          MaxTIME          Limits the execution time

          MaxTrial          Defines pauses within block executions



          INITSCASE          Initiates start values of a Staircase

          USESCASE          Activates Staircase for next block


System related commands:

          SETCOLOR          Set standard fore- and background color

          SETECHO          Set screen echo for key presses

          SETFONT          Set current font for text pictures

          SETOVERLAY          Define a screen overlay for all subsequent trials

          SETSYNC          Sets synchronization mode for stimulus presentation


The session commands will be described in the following sections.

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