Trial and Block Execution



          Runblock          Start Block

          RunblockW          Start Block in Warmup Mode

          Runtrial          Start Trial

          LABEL          Serves as a jump destination for the GL trial command


Trial and block definitions may be called from the session level in any order to realize the end-to-end session flow. Results are only captured from trials that are executed by the RUNBLOCK command.

RUNBLOCK and RUNBLOCKW are identical in terms of configuration parameters. But trials running with RUNBLOCKW will be tagged as ‘warmup’ trials in the result output.

While the number of valid trials must be a multiple of the number of trial specifications of a block definition (minimal block length) to ensure that all treatment conditions are executed as specified, the number of warmup trials can be any number including fragments of the minimal block length.

RUNTRIAL is typically used to launch individual trials before, in-between, and after blocks to present instructions or blank screens.

The LABEL command just serves as a marker in case you want to jump to a specific section in your session definition depending on the subject’s response. See GL trial command on how to jump to a marker from within a trial definition.

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