
This parameter defines how the step size should be interpreted. You can turn on Percentage mode to automatically adjust the step size to the absolute value of the current value. This can be helpful if you expect very different performance levels between subjects.


          0          Interpret StepUp and StepDown Sizes as values to subtract or add

          1          Interpret StepUp and StepDown Sizes as percentages of the current value which should be subtracted or added


 Example for using Staircases to choose trial specifications

1  TonePic  200          ; Tone before Picture with SOA 200ms
1  TonePic  150
1  TonePic  100
1  TonePic   50
1  TonePic    0          ; Tone and Picture simultaneously
1  PicTone   50
1  PicTone  100
1  PicTone  150
1  PicTone  200          ; Picture before Tone with SOA 200ms

STAIRCASE  SC1  A  1  1  1  1  1  0          ; Define Staircase which walks up or down after each response

INITSCASE  SC1 5  1  9  1           ; Initialize a value range of 1 .. 9 with start at 5 and stepsize of 1
USESCASE  SC1 0           ; Assign staircase process to entire block (index = 0)
RUNBLOCK  Exercise  63  0          ; Run block with 63 trials and let staircase pull trial specifications

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