The USESCASE session command activates a Staircase for the next block. You can specify if the Staircase should be applied to all trial specifications of a block or only a subset. This allows you to run multiple Staircases in one block, or combine static trials with variable trials within the same block.

A Staircase may be either applied to one of the variable arguments of a trial definition which is used in the block, or it may be used to control which trial specification of the block is executed. In this case, the Staircase simply walks up and down between different trial specification as defined in the block definition. You must set the random mode (RndMode) to zero in the RUNBLOCK command to keep the order of trial specifications in the original order as defined.


USESCASE  Name Index  [BlkStart  BlkStep  BlkEnd  [FB1 ... FB12] ]


BlkStart          0  (Staircase will be applied to all trial specifications)

FB?          1  (Step up for all FB classes except FB = 2)

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