The SETECHO-command is used to define location and style of echoing key presses on the screen. Echo is enabled/disabled by the Echo argument of the RK-command. Only alphanumeric keys, numeric keypad keys and external keys are echoed. You can assign other symbols to a standard key by changing the key name in the external key definition file ERTS.KEY (see appendix in ERTS User Manual). For example, you could assign ‘Y’ and ‘N’ to the left/right Shift keys to give appropriate screen echo for Yes/No responses.

Note that echoing of key presses may delay the following trial event by the time required to write the echo on screen. Response registration, however, is not influenced.

          SETECHO  Position  [PosNo  [Font  [Case  FieldChar]]]]


PosNo          1  (First position)

Font          -  System font

Case          1  Upper case

FieldChar          1  Display empty field with underscore

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