Single argument operators

Use these as operators without parenthesis (e.g. sin x) or as functions with one argument (e.g. sin(x)).







Unary plus. This converts it's operand to a number, but has no other effect.


Factorial (x * (x-1) * (x-2) * … * 2 * 1). gamma(x + 1) for non-integers.

abs x

Absolute value (magnitude) of x

acos x

Arc cosine of x (in radians)

acosh x

Hyperbolic arc cosine of x (in radians)

asin x

Arc sine of x (in radians)

asinh x

Hyperbolic arc sine of x (in radians)

atan x

Arc tangent of x (in radians)

atanh x

Hyperbolic arc tangent of x (in radians)

cbrt x

Cube root of x

ceil x

Ceiling of x — the smallest integer that’s >= x

cos x

Cosine of x (x is in radians)

cosh x

Hyperbolic cosine of x (x is in radians)

exp x

e^x (exponential/antilogarithm function with base e)

expm1 x

e^x - 1

floor x

Floor of x — the largest integer that’s <= x

length x

String or array length of x

ln x

Natural logarithm of x

log x

Natural logarithm of x (synonym for ln, not base-10)

log10 x

Base-10 logarithm of x

log2 x

Base-2 logarithm of x

log1p x

Natural logarithm of (1 + x)

not x

Logical NOT operator

round x

X, rounded to the nearest integer, using "grade-school rounding"

sign x

Sign of x (-1, 0, or 1 for negative, zero, or positive respectively)

sin x

Sine of x (x is in radians)

sinh x

Hyperbolic sine of x (x is in radians)

sqrt x

Square root of x. Result is NaN (Not a Number) if x is negative.

tan x

Tangent of x (x is in radians)

tanh x

Hyperbolic tangent of x (x is in radians)

trunc x

Integral part of a X, looks like floor(x) unless for negative number

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