(T): Multi Line Text

All lines including empty lines directly following the command represent the content of the text picture. The definition ends by the appearance of any valid ERTS-command. Trailing empty lines are not included.

If one of the text lines begins with a word identical to an ERTS-command, it must be preceded by a '~'-symbol to avoid misinterpretation as a main command.

Attach an additional letter to the ‘T’ to set the text alignment:

Syntax:          T[alignment]


          Subtype          Meaning

          c          text within picture is centered            (default)

          l          text within picture is left aligned

          r          text within picture is right aligned


A text picture may contain embedded insertion fields for displaying variable response dependent statistics or to change the text format within one text picture. The format of the embedded insertion fields is as follows:

Parameter for variable statistics@... @


All embedded insertions must begin and end with the ‘@’-symbol.


@C[color]@                    Set text color

          color          name of color definition (if empty, the recent color will be selected)


@F[font]@                              Set Font

          font          name of font definition (if empty, the recent font will be selected)


@V[variable]@          Insert the content of a variable as text into the picture

          variable          name of variable

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