(P): Pixel Block

Use this picture type if you need a simple graphics pattern which can be manually defined as a block of pixels. The content of the picture is defined in form of a pixel block representing the bitmap. A pixel is a single graphics point on the screen which is either turned on (1) or off (0). A pixel block defines a 2-color bitmap with '0' as transparent background and '1' as foreground color.  The foreground color can be set by inserting a SCREENCOLOR command before the picture definition.

A picture of type ‘P’ cannot be rotated, but its color is adjusting to the currently set foreground color. See picture type ‘B’ for pixel-based bitmaps that can be rotated.

Add an additional argument to define the dimensions one pixel:

Syntax:          P   [dimension]


          dimension          physical dimension of one pixel in the pixel block in mm (default 1 pixel). Note that the final size will be rounded to the nearest number of physical pixels


Setting a dimension standardizes the size of the rendered bitmap

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