(V): External Video File

The picture definition consists of an URL pointing to a video file which must be accessible via http on the web. While the set of supported formats depends on the browser, common formats are MP4, OGG, and WEBM.


You can add an optional argument to specify the dimension of the rendered video:


ParameterURL   [dimension]


          URL          A valid URL pointing to a video file hosted in the web

          dimension          Size of video on the screen in mm (default is original size)


To support multiple browser platforms, provide multiple video files in different formats and do not specify the file extension. Cognition Lab will dynamically append the extension which is supported by the browser.

To link multiple formats with services like Dropbox which generates different different URLs for each extension, you can list multiple URLs line by line each including the file extension. Cognition Lab will automatically select the URL with the extension supported by the current web browser.

In addition to using SP and FP-trial commands for playing videos, videos can be pre-loaded and activated using the LV and PV trial commands.

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